The Thirty Meter Telescope recently reached another critical development milestone with the successful Conceptual Design Review close-out meeting of the Cryogenic Cooling System (CRYO). The online review, held on May 19, 2020, focused on the completion of the recommendations that arose from the CRYO Conceptual Design Review held in August 2018.
TMT’s Enclosure System has achieved its final design milestone, successfully passing a series of Production Readiness Reviews (PRR) in March 2020.
The Multi-Segment Integration & Test (MSIT) facility at the TMT lab in Monrovia, California, is now fully populated with seven aluminum mirror segment prototypes.
TMT recently achieved another significant milestone, with the successful preliminary design review of the Observatory Safety System (OSS). The review material was presented by TMT engineers Jimmy Johnson and Kayla Hardie from the project office.
Xiamen, China – 12 November, 2019 – The seventh Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Science Forum was held for the first time in China, in the city of Xiamen, Province of Fujian, earlier this month.
Letter to the editor that Ed Stone, TMT Executive Director; Christophe Dumas, Observatory Scientist; and Gordon Squires, Vice President External Relations wrote recently in the Honolulu Star Advertiser Newspaper - Understanding the Past, Navigating the Present, Embracing the Future -
Pasadena, CA (June 06, 2019) – A Segment Support Assembly (SSA) “pre-build” meeting at the Coimbatore facility of Larsen & Toubro (L&T) was successfully completed on May 22, 2019. The meeting was aimed at assessing the readiness of the L&T team to start manufacturing their first SSAs. Participants included India TMT Coordination Centre (ITCC) and the TMT Project Office team.
On May 08 2019, the India TMT team presented the TMT pavilion at “Vigyan Samagam”, the first global science exhibition in Mumbai. A scaled, animated model of the Thirty Meter Telescope, a gallery of posters, and informational material have been created for public outreach.
The Hawaii Supreme Court, by majority decision, today issued its opinion affirming the Board of Land and Natural Resources' decision to issue a Conservation District Use Permit (CDUP) for construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) on Maunakea.
Pasadena, 5 October, 2018 - The TMT Observatory Executive Software (ESW) has passed a key milestone and is now ready to enter final design phase. An ESW Preliminary Design Review phase1 (PDR1) was held at the project office on September 27, 2018. ThoughtWorks, ITCC and TMT Engineers presented the overall Executive Software architecture and operations concepts, as well as their updated requirements and technical use cases.